
vipcca.tools.utils.preprocessing(datasets, min_cells=1, min_genes=1, n_top_genes=2000, mt_ratio=0.8, lognorm=True, hvg=True, index_unique=None)[source]

Preprocess and merge data sets from different batches

  • datasets (list, optional (default: None)) – the list of anndata objects from different batches

  • min_cells (int, optional (default: 1)) – Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering.

  • min_genes (int, optional (default: 1)) – Minimum number of counts required for a gene to pass filtering.

  • n_top_genes (int, optional (default: 2000)) – Number of highly-variable genes to keep.

  • mt_ratio (double, optional (default: 0.8)) – Maximum proportion of mito genes for a cell to pass filtering.

  • lognorm (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, execute lognorm() function.

  • hvg (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, choose hypervariable genes for AnnData object.

  • index_unique (string, optional (default: None)) – Make the index unique by joining the existing index names with the batch category, using index_unique=’-‘, for instance. Provide None to keep existing indices.



Return type


vipcca.tools.utils.read_sc_data(input_file, fmt='h5ad', backed=None, transpose=False, sparse=False, delimiter=' ', unique_name=True, batch_name=None, var_names='gene_symbols')[source]

Read single cell dataset

  • input_file (string) – The path of the file to be read.

  • fmt (string, optional (default: 'h5ad')) – The file type of the file to be read.

  • backed (Union[Literal[‘r’, ‘r+’], bool, None] (default: None)) – If ‘r’, load AnnData in backed mode instead of fully loading it into memory (memory mode). If you want to modify backed attributes of the AnnData object, you need to choose ‘r+’.

  • transpose (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether to transpose the read data.

  • sparse (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether the data in the dataset is stored in sparse matrix format.

  • delimiter (str, optional (default: ' ')) – Delimiter that separates data within text file. If None, will split at arbitrary number of white spaces, which is different from enforcing splitting at single white space ‘ ‘.

  • unique_name (bool, optional (default: False)) – If Ture, AnnData object execute var_names_make_unique() and obs_names_make_unique() functions.

  • batch_name (string, optional (default: None)) – Batch name of current batch data

  • var_names (Literal[‘gene_symbols’, ‘gene_ids’] (default: 'gene_symbols')) – The variables index when the file type is ‘mtx’.



Return type


vipcca.tools.utils.spatial_preprocessing(datasets, min_cells=1, min_genes=1, n_top_genes=2000, lognorm=True, hvg=True)[source]

Preprocess and merge two visium datasets from different batches

  • datasets (list, optional (default: None)) – The list of anndata objects from different batches

  • min_cells (int, optional (default: 1)) – Minimum number of counts required for a cell to pass filtering.

  • min_genes (int, optional (default: 1)) – Minimum number of counts required for a gene to pass filtering.

  • n_top_genes (int, optional (default: 2000)) – Number of highly-variable genes to keep.

  • lognorm (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, execute lognorm() function.

  • hvg (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, choose hypervariable genes for AnnData object.



Return type


vipcca.tools.utils.spatial_rna_preprocessing(adata_spatial, adata_rna, lognorm=True, hvg=True, n_top_genes=2000)[source]

Preprocess and merge visium dataset with scRNA-seq dataset.

  • adata_spatial (AnnData) – AnnData object of visium dataset.

  • adata_rna (AnnData) – AnnData object of scRNA-seq dataset.

  • lognorm (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, execute lognorm() function.

  • hvg (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, choose hypervariable genes for AnnData object.

  • n_top_genes (int, optional (default: 2000)) – Number of highly-variable genes to keep.



Return type



vipcca.tools.plotting.plotCorrelation(y, y_pred, save=True, result_path='./', show=True, rnum=10000.0, lim=20)[source]

Plot correlation between original data and corrected data

  • y (matrix or csr_matrix) – The original data matrix.

  • y_pred (matrix or csr_matrix) – The data matrix integrated by vipcca.

  • save (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, save the figure into result_path.

  • result_path (string, optional (default: './')) – The path for saving the figure.

  • show (bool, optional (default: True)) – If True, show the figure.

  • rnum (double, optional (default: 1e4)) – The number of points you want to sample randomly in the matrix.

  • lim (int, optional (default: 20)) – the right parameter of matplotlib.pyplot.xlim(left, right)


class vipcca.model.vipcca.VIPCCA(adata_all=None, patience_es=50, patience_lr=25, epochs=100, res_path=None, split_by='_batch', method='lognorm', hvg=True, batch_input_size=128, batch_input_size2=16, activation='softplus', dropout_rate=0.01, hidden_layers=[128, 64, 32, 16], lambda_regulizer=5.0, initializer='glorot_uniform', l1_l2=(0.0, 0.0), mode='CVAE', model_file=None, save=True)[source]

Bases: object

Initialize VIPCCA object


patience_es: int, optional (default: 50)

number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped.

patience_lr: int, optional (default: 25)

number of epochs with no improvement after which learning rate will be reduced.

epochs: int, optional (default: 100)

Number of epochs to train the model. An epoch is an iteration over the entire x and y data provided.

res_path: string, (default: None)

Folder path to save model training results model.h5 and output data adata.h5ad.

split_by: string, optional (default: ‘_batch’)

the obsm_name of obsm used to distinguish different batches.

method: string, optional (default: ‘lognorm’)

the normalization method for input data, one of {“qqnorm”,”count”, other}.

batch_input_size: int, optional (default: 128)

the length of the batch vector that concatenate with the input layer.

batch_input_size2: int, optional (default: 16)

the length of the batch vector that concatenate with the latent layer.

activation: string, optional (default: “softplus”)

the activation function of hidden layers.

dropout_rate: double, optional (default: 0.01)

the dropout rate of hidden layers.

hidden_layers: list, optional (default: [128,64,32,16])

Number of hidden layer neurons in the model

lambda_regulizer: double, optional (default: 5.0)

The coefficient multiplied by KL_loss

initializer: string, optional (default: “glorot_uniform”)

Regularizer function applied to the kernel weights matrix.

l1_l2: tuple, optional (default: (0.0, 0.0))

[L1 regularization factor, L2 regularization factor].

mode: string, optional (default: ‘CVAE’)

one of {“CVAE”, “CVAE2”, “CVAE3”}

model_file: string, optional (default: None)

The file name of the trained model, the default is None

save: bool, optional (default: True)

If true, save output adata file.


build VIPCCA model


Train the constructed VIPCCA model, integrate the data with the trained model, and return the integrated anndata object


adata produced by function self.conf.net.integrate(self.conf.adata_all, save=self.conf.save)

Return type



Generate the required random batch id for the VIPCCA model